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Showing posts from July, 2021

Often eat 5 kinds of "low-calorie" food, full of belly but not growing meat!

How can you eat when you are hungry? Isn't this long meat! This is not the case. You can eat a lot when you are hungry when you lose weight. Oatmeal Oatmeal is an effective food for weight loss. Many girls will consume it during weight loss and use it as a substitute for regular meals because it produces satiety and has nutrition. It is a valuable bedtime product. Therefore, we can cook a bowl of oatmeal at night or when we are hungry, and then mix it with a little honey, which has a good weight loss effect. Egg We all know that people who lose weight generally consume eggs because eggs can effectively help us lose weight. Eggs are rich in nutrients and low in calories, which delays the emptying speed of the stomach and prolongs the feeling of fullness. Many people are also very particular about the way to eat eggs. If you only eat egg whites, the cholesterol content can be zero. The protein digestibility of the usual shelled boiled eggs is as high as 99.7%, which can be almost com

Often eat 5 kinds of "low-calorie" food, full of belly but not growing meat!

How can you eat when you are hungry? Isn't this long meat! This is not the case. You can eat a lot when you are hungry when you lose weight. Oatmeal Oatmeal is an effective food for weight loss. Many girls will consume it during weight loss and use it as a substitute for regular meals because it produces satiety and has nutrition. It is a valuable bedtime product. Therefore, we can cook a bowl of oatmeal at night or when we are hungry, and then mix it with a little honey, which has a good weight loss effect. Egg We all know that people who lose weight generally consume eggs because eggs can effectively help us lose weight. Eggs are rich in nutrients and low in calories, which delays the emptying speed of the stomach and prolongs the feeling of fullness. Many people are also very particular about the way to eat eggs. If you only eat egg whites, the cholesterol content can be zero. The protein digestibility of the usual shelled boiled eggs is as high as 99.7%, which can be almost com

Eating more fish helps to live longer.

 "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition" published research from the Zhongshan University Public School of Public Health and the 12th Hospital of Zhouguang City (pictured), Found that 4-6 servings of fish-eating foods per week (50g each) are associated with a reduction in the risk of death, including the risk of death due to cardiovascular disease and disease ischemic heart Disease-specific death risk of the opposite sex. The study included a total of 18,215 test recipients with an average age of 60 years or more, of which 12,924 (about 71%) were women. DOI:

This small change will bring great health and wellness!

 Using coarse grains to replace refined grains such as rice, steamed buns, and porridge, this small change will bring great health and health! A study recently published by The Journal of Nutrition under the American Nutrition Flag Association (Figure 1) pointed out that replacing refined grains with whole grains can reduce waist circumference, Blood and blood pressure increase over time, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Whole grains refer to those that have not been finely processed, or may have been milled, crushed, tableted, etc., but still retain the bran, which is found in whole grains, Germ and endosperm, as well as natural nutrients, grains. Commonly seen whole grain products and products include barley, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, corn and whole wheat buns. In the country, coarse grains are often used to replace the term "whole grains", and miscellaneous beans such as beans and mung beans are also included. This is actually not a new result, it's

Why lose weight as soon as possible⁉

Why lose weight as soon as possible⁉ ❶As the age increases, the body weight rate of the generation decreases, the heat demand gradually decreases, and it is easy to accumulate more heat surplus. ❷ For every increase of 1 year old, the calorie needed per sex day decreases by about 5 kcal, and the calorie needed per day decreases by about 7 kcal for men. ❸Weight will become more and more difficult to control body fat assembly in the abdomen and buttocks So let the fat accompany you! Love yourself more

Interpretation of pressure fertilizer

 Interpretation of pressure fertilizer In addition to regulating endocrine activity, the hypothalamus of our brain is also responsible for regulating visceral activity. Long-term tension and anxiety will cause the feeding centre or satiety centre near the hypothalamus to be stimulated, or it will make us feel full and do not want to eat. Because they cannot eat on time, the stomach and immune system will experience the double attack of "emotions" and "nutrition deprivation". If the satiety centre is affected, it may cause us to overeat, use the behaviour of constantly eating snacks to reduce pressure, and eventually lead to obesity.

Has the flesh of your abdomen been lost?

  Has the flesh of your abdomen been lost? There are two kinds of meat in our stomach. 1. Grab a bunch of them. Fat is subcutaneous fat, which is caused by eating a lot of refined rice and noodles. It's hard to lose such meat by exercise. The solution is to eat more coarse grains. ‮ 2. It's impossible to grasp. This kind of fat is dangerous in the viscera, and it is harmful. In the free state, the viscera is fatty liver; From swimming to the heart, it is a kind of heart disease.

Can diet and starvation consume fat?

 Can diet and starvation consume fat? Many people think that dieting and starvation can consume fat. In fact, if you think too much, tell you the truth: Because at the beginning of a diet, the body will first use the glycogen in the blood for energy. After the glycogen is exhausted, it will decompose liver glycogen, and the liver glycogen will be decomposed and excreted in the urine. The body needs 4 grams of water to break down 1 gram of glycogen, so most of the loss at this time is not fat, but water! After the liver glycogen is consumed, the body will start to consume fat and muscle glycogen, and most people don’t stick to this time... Therefore, no fat was consumed at all. Even if you have strong willpower, continue to stick to it, although you will lose some fat at the beginning, you are also losing muscle. Muscle loss will lead to a decline in basal metabolism, which is even more detrimental to weight loss! In addition, dieting is easy to causes nutrient deficiency, which makes t

People with a bad stomach eat more cabbage

People with a bad stomach eat more cabbage People with a bad stomach eat more cabbage Cabbage is also called lotus white, cabbage, kale Known as "natural stomach medicine", also known as natural nourishing stomach dishes Because cabbage contains vitamins B1, B2, Vitamin C, vitamin U, dietary fibre, etc. Vitamin U is a natural anti-ulcer agent Can help repair traumatic gastric mucosal ulcer tissue regeneration Adjuvant treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer The most famous stomach medicine in Japan, Weisen U comes from here

Does eating watermelon lose weight or grow meat?

 Does eating watermelon lose weight or grow meat? In summer, due to the hot weather, many friends will come to a few slices of iced watermelon to feel cool and quench their thirst. Indeed, the unit calorie of watermelon is very low, 100 grams is only 25 calories, which is lower than apples, bananas and other fruits. At the same time, the water content of watermelon is high, which can help remove excess water from the body, and has the effect of diuresis and oedema.

Einstein Energy Equation

Einstein Energy Equation JOEL Fuhrman, MD, based on his own research, proposed a formula for the nutrient density of food and drink. This formula is also known as the "Einstein Energy Equation" of the nutrition industry: Nutrient density formula Health=Nutrition/Calorie He believes that the health of the human body largely depends on what we eat. The higher the nutritional value and the fewer calories (calories) of the food, the better the health. The so-called high nutrient value, food contains beneficial vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and beneficial vitality. Such substances can provide the body with essential nutrients for growth, metabolism, immunity and other activities. At the same time, the worthless calorie should be very small to avoid excess calories forming fat accumulation in the body. In this way, you can control your weight while keeping your body healthy. There is also the concept of energy density Eat less food with high "energy density" Eat less a

Is dieting really good?

Is dieting really good? If you only lose weight by dieting, most of the weight you lose is water and muscle, and only a small part is fat. If a balanced diet reduces total calories, plus appropriate exercise, the maximum muscle will be retained and almost all fat will be brushed away. The proportion of muscles lost is not high, so brushing fat and losing weight are two different things. Eat well, exercise moderately, weight loss is a matter of course, and the final result is health.

Healthy recipes for fitness professionals,No.5

 No.5 coffee or tea In addition to low-calorie bread, drinking the right breakfast drink can also achieve the effect of fitness or shaping. What many people don’t know is that pure coffee (without sugar and milk) is the best fat-reducing and shaping drink, and it is recommended by the US residents’ dietary guidelines: it is recommended to consume 3 to 5 cups of coffee per day per person, and pregnant women can also drink it. About 2 cups. Because related studies abroad have proved that coffee can effectively promote fat consumption during exercise and relieve muscle pain after exercise. The green tea that Chinese people often drink has similar effects. One is because green tea also contains caffeine. In addition, tea's unique tea elements also have fat-reducing and anti-oxidant (anti-ageing) effects. It can be said to some extent: green tea is better than coffee. The popular low-fat shaping low-calorie breakfasts on Instagram now use whole grain bread + eggs + vegetables with a sma

Healthy recipes for fitness professionals,No.4

No.4 Arugula + egg + salad dressing about 320 calories As for the method of eating fruit/vegetable salad for fitness and body shaping, there are also points that need to be paid attention to. For example, in sauces such as salad dressing and mayonnaise, generally, more than 40% of the content are fat. Eating more fruits and vegetables is indeed good for the body and mind, but only if there is not much salad dressing in it. Otherwise, the more you eat, the fatter you get. As for the dieting method of "don't eat after lunch" recommended by some people, don't try it. It is said that this method has existed since ancient times, but the ancients went to bed early, unlike today we have a rich nightlife. Copying blindly will only lead to stomach problems and malnutrition.

Healthy recipes for fitness professionals,No.3

 No.3 Egg+toast+tomato+cucumber about 320 calories People who want to exercise or lose weight need to understand some concepts. For example, the daily calorie requirement of a normal adult is about 2000 calories (specific to individuals, there are corresponding calculators on the Internet). If you need to lose weight, the recommended intake is less than 1600 calories, but remember that if the intake is less than 600 calories, it will be life-threatening. If breakfast, lunch and dinner are allocated according to the ratio of 3:4:3, the reasonable calorie content for breakfast is about 400 calories. Of course, it is also possible to appropriately reduce the calorie content of the three meals and then add an afternoon tea. Eating less and more meals is more conducive to fitness and shape.

Healthy recipes for fitness professionals,No.2

 No.2 Toast + egg + fruit about 300 calories If you plan to exercise within a short time after breakfast (such as within half an hour), it is recommended to eat some easy-to-digest high-sugar and high-calorie foods (yes, high-calorie). Because after a night of consumption, the blood sugar level in the body is already extremely low. If you don't replenish it in time, even if you go for fitness, your body will not be able to synthesize muscles because you don't have enough energy. It can be said that this kind of fitness is equal to white training. The best match: eggs + bacon + toast and a small amount of honey or fruit.

Healthy recipes for fitness professionals,No.1

 No.1 Avocado + whole-grain toast + black pepper about 380 calories One of the main differences between bread and cake is the fat content. Compared to cakes that need to be mixed with a large amount of fat to maintain their taste, bread has a lower fat content. Especially after adding whole-grain ingredients, it is more suitable for today's healthy diet concept. Therefore, among the fitness experts on Instagram, many people regard bread as their first choice for the "morning of the day". However, for fitness professionals, even if it is a simple bread, there are many tricks. For example, avocado, which was once very hot, contains a certain amount of fat, but it has a lot of cellulose compared to butter. It is suitable for mashing at the breakfast stage and eating as a sauce. However, if you want to exercise within two hours after breakfast, this combination is not recommended, because although cellulose can promote digestion, the avocado itself is not easy to digest and m

Eat low-fat food and drink

  There is a 20-year long follow-up study. In 1993, researchers recruited 48,835 menopausal women and girls and asked 40% of them to eat low-fat diets. The rest of them had what they used to eat. Then follow it. After eight and a half years, I began to summarize, and the results were disappointing. The two groups were not at risk of colorectal cancer, breast cancer risk, and cardiovascular disease. Differences. Fortunately, the scientists have not given up and continue to follow up. It has been 19 and a half years, and again, to sum up, the two groups are different: The risk of death from eating low-fat fat is reduced by 15-35%. The risk of insulin-dependent diabetes in the low-fat diet group was reduced by 13-25%. For patients who did not have high blood pressure at the beginning of the follow-up, eating low-fat food and drink can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 15-30%. Therefore, we must persevere, and persevere twenty times a year.

10 super healthy foods recognized in the world, most people can afford to eat - bottom half

 Continue to the top half blog 6.Cabbage There are many powerful antioxidants in cabbage. For example, isothiocyanate can prevent lung cancer and oesophagal cancer, and sulforaphane can help the body detoxify. In addition to its antioxidant properties, cabbage is also a good source of vitamin C and fiber, as well as eye-protecting carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. 7.Sweet potato Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium, which can make people energetic, and maintain a healthy heart and normal blood pressure. It is rich in carotene and trace element iron, and also has a certain anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin C, and due to the protective effect of the surrounding starch, they lose less when heated. In addition, studies have shown that sweet potatoes can also fight breast cancer and prostate cancer, prevent degenerative diseases of the body and improve memory. ps: Most of the residents in Okinawa, Japan live a long life. One of the important re

10 super healthy foods recognized in the world, most people can afford to eat - top half

Based on scientific concepts and spreading nutrition and health, it is time to talk about health with friends. The health topic I want to share with my friends today is the 10 super healthy foods recognized in the world. It is the health section of the MSN website in the United States through research on eating habits worldwide and summed up the most healthy food worthy of people to eat. See if you like it? What you eat is what you earn! 1.Tomato The lycopene-rich in tomatoes has a strong antioxidant effect. It also contains vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, etc. Many studies have found that eating more tomatoes can protect against sunscreen, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and cancer prevention. A Harvard University study found that people who eat 10 servings of tomato, ketchup, tomato juice, or even pizza a week have a 45% lower risk of developing prostate cancer than those who eat less than two servings a week. It is recommended to drink a glass of tomato juice every day or eat a f